By Joao Lemos Esteves –Special Total News Agency-TNA-
It is another worrysome sign of terrible stranger things going on in Portugal, the western-european country, governed by a socialist-communist Prime-Minister António Costa. TOTAL NEWS AGENCY has been reported the dangerous ties of portuguese goverment to China, Iran and Russia – China and Iran forged their strategic alliance in Lisbon back in 2020 with Putin in the shadows. Now we know Putin’s plan was all along to invade Ukraine, to launch Europe in a tragic economic and humanitarian crisis and to maneuver China and Iran to promote Russia’s (his) interests. It is no coincidence that China is infiltrated at the higheste level in portuguese political power, including controlling portuguese intel and state’s top secret information oversight committee; iranian-backed groups are operating freely, especially in the region of greater Lisbon – and Russia is constantly patronizing the portuguese government. Last Friday, Russia’s Embassy in Lisbon threatened portuguese singer Pedro Abrunhosa , after he had harshly criticized criminal Vladimir Putin. Russian Embassy’s statement clearly unveils they are monitoring portuguese citizens who criticize Vladimir Putin, reporting their activities to Moscow. And they promise retaliation actions against portuguese critics of Putin. Also, Russia’s Embassy announced they are pressing portuguese authorities to use the portuguese criminal legislation to punish Putin’s critics. Why is this happening? Because portuguese government has no moral authority (nor will) to stand up against russian criminal political power – as TOTAL NEWS AGENCY has been informing, Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro, former portuguese intel officer (in the Counter-Terrorism department!), ardent Putin’s supporter and russian asset, holds a crucial role in the portuguese government led by António Costa. Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, where all the relevant information regarding the portuguese State, including national security and military, legislative priorities and so forth, pass through according to portuguese government’s decision-making process.
If we take a close look at the russian Embassy in Lisbon’s statement against Pedro Abrunhosa and all portuguese who defy Putin’s crimes in Ukraine, it is impossible not to identify an extraordinary resemblance its style and content and Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro’s own style in his public remarks. Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is very active on Twitter and on portuguese media linked to Russia’s supporter and narcoterrorism strategist Boaventura de Sousa Santos, despite being a relevant portuguese government’s (led by António Costa) official. Likewise the official statement released by the Russia’s Embassy in Portugal, Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is constantly threateing, smearing those who criticize Putin, from journalists to elected officials. He says many times that Moscow is fully aware of what is being said in Portugal trying to make people affraid of writing about Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine.
Fernando Medina, a very close António Costa’s ally, sent personal data of russian actvisits and critics of Putin to Moscow last year. After he lost the reelection as Mayor of Lisbon, António Costa invited him to become a member of his cabinet. António Costa, Fernando Medina and Alexandre Guerreiro are together now in portuguese government – for Putin’s Russia’s joy.
Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro, Putin’s main operative within the portuguese government and fully protected by PM António Costa (who has the legal authority to fire him, but obvioulsy refuses to do so), has sent inumerous replies to portuguese media outlets with a menacing tone (like the russian Embassy’s statement), always threatening to use the “appropriate legislation” to judicially persecute who criticize Putin. Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro’s favorite trope is “be aware – you have to explain that in court!”, using his status as a portuguese António Costa’s government and his role in the Boaventura Sousa Santos’ lobby to pressure the portuguese judicial system to spread fear among the portuguese people. All with António Costa’s objective endorsement – actually António Costa is mobilizing the portuguese state’s apparatus to protect Putin’s boy Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro. António Costa, as portuguese PM, has viciously attacked TOTAL NEWS AGENCY after we denounced the Putin’s boy within the portuguese government. And António Costa did mandated the portuguese Attorney-General (in portuguese legal system there is a hierarchical system between the government and the Attorney-General) to sue me to protect Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro.
In March, Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro threatened a russian activist live on portuguese TV channel SIC – he told her he should send her words to Moscow…Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro’s words are exactly the same words used by Russia’s Embassy yesterday to threaten portuguese singer Pedro Abrunhosa. Another evidence of how deep portuguese government led by António Costa (to which Alexandre Guerreiro is a top official) is compromissed by Putin’s Russia. Knesia Ashrafullina was the russian activist threatened by portuguese government’s official, close to António Costa’s inner circle, with the same language adopted by Russia’s Embassy.
Bear in mind: it was António Costa, portuguese PM who felt the need to protect his servant connected to Russia, China and Iran. Why? Firstly, to not expose Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro, to protect him and let him continue “doing what he has to do”; secondly, to use the heaviest weaponery to send a clear message to the portuguese people to prevent themselves from scrutinizing their government’s policy of special relationship with Russia, China and Iran. António Costa’s aim is to control by fear and intimidation – before he sued me, a person, who assured me he was talking on behalf of portuguese government (Presidency of the Council of Ministers), had approached me at the Lisbon Law School to warn me that I must stop writing about Russia and Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro; otherwise, portuguese PM António Costa would flood me with judicial criminal prosecutions and I would never – ever! – be able to work in Portugal anymore. Few days after I had written a new article on Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro and portuguese government’s (objective) ties with Russia, I received a judicial notification after António Costa’s complaint, in his official capacity as PM, to protect Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro. António Costa is more proactive and tough persecuting portuguese citizens who criticize Putin’s Russia – than to defend portuguese citizens from Russia’s attacks. Portuguese government’s reaction (issued by the Foreign Affairs Minister) was too little, too late – it just said they reprehend the tone and content of Russia’s Embassy’s statement. How can a government just say this after a foreign authoritarian regime, which is a conducting a criminal war in Ukraine, confess national citizens of that government are being monitored by Russia’s authorities? Confess tht they will take actions against those citizens?
Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro – António Costa’s protégé and portuguese government’s top official – defending the violation of Ukrainian refugees’s rights by Russia’s agents with the complicity of the portuguese government. Again, Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro anticipates the Russia’ Embassy’s official statement. Another evidence Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is working with foreign authoritarian States using his status as portuguese government’s top official in their favor. This is a major global security threat. “Show me evidence…News aren’t evidence according to international justice” – wrote Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro, portuguese government’s official working for Russia, to defend Putin and the violation of Ukrainian refugees rights in Portugal.
Remember the violence António Costa used against the US Ambassador George Glas, after the Ambassador had exposed the enormous China Communist Party’s risk to portuguese national security? And now António Costa is in total silence regarding Russia’s threats to portuguese citizens? How is this possible? There is only one logical explanation: for António Costa, his government’s ties with Russia and China are far more important even than portuguese citizens’ security. Do not forget – we will come back to this issue soon – that António Costa’s government let russians close to Putin having access to Ukrainian refugees’ personal data and “hosting “ them in Portugal…Up to this day, the world is still kept out of the loop about what really happened (is happenning?) with this flagrant violation of Ukrainian refugees’ rights in Portugal by russian agents with the complicity of portuguese António Costa’s government. By action or (only) omission.
Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro, Putin’s boy within the portuguese government, protected by socialist-communist PM António Costa, repeats russian Embassy’s threats against portuguese people. The style and the narrative adopted by Russia’s Embassy in Lisbon are the same as Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro regularly uses. Putin has the door of portuguese government wide open for him and his criminal interests
And Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro? Did he officialy react to russian Embassy’s statement? Yes, he did yesterday – calling the portuguese a stupid people and praising Russia’s attack against portuguese people. Again, Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is a portuguese government official under António Costa’s leadership, former portuguese intel officer with a group close to him inside the portuguese intel services, calling his fellow citizens a bunch of stupids – and praising an authoritarian State’s threats against the people who pay his (at least, his official) salary…Is there still any doubt Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro – and thus, portuguese government under António Costa’s leadership – is totally compromissed by Putin’s Russia? In Portugal, some may have; the world is more than enlightened about the portuguese government’s stranger (dangerous) things… In other countries, songwriters, singers, people from many walks of life criticized Putin – the local Russia’s Embassies did not react. In Portugal, Russia’s Embassy acted like the ruling power – because Putin’s regime feels it has leeway over portuguese government…And Alexandre Teixeira Neto Guerreiro is a vital part of it.