MADRID, Spain. – A Cuban man who resides in the U.S. and was visiting the island, was assaulted in the road that leads to Gibara, Holguín province, for the purpose of stealing the rental car he and a family member were driving, according to information on Facebook profiles linked to Cuban State Security.
The victim, who was identified as Joel Hijuelos, had made a stop to purchase onions when he was assaulted.
“The perpetrators got into the vehicle and drove off.” Hijuelos managed to climb on the hood of the car “and holding-on to the windshield wipers, stayed on the car for 10 to 12 minutes, in spite of the fact that the car was speeding at between 45 and 55 mph,” was reported on the Realidades desde Holguín profile.
According to witnesses who were quoted in said profile, the person at the wheel “stepped abruptly on the brakes several times, hoping, it seems, to throw Joel off the car, even at his own risk.”
According to the information, it took 14 hours for operatives of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT, by its Spanish acronym) to recover the stolen vehicle.
The alleged perpetrators were caught near Km 7 ½. in Cabezuela, a town in the Calixto García municipality.
Realidades desde Holguín said further that the robbers had driven a long way: they crossed several streets in the city of Holguín, like Línea, Máximo Gómez, Garayalde, Lenin Avenue and Los Álamos, till they got to Seis columnas.
The official Facebook page shared images of the robbers, and identified them as Ramón Deris Blanco Almarales and Asnielkis Pérez Ávila.
Amidst the crime surge that Cuba is facing, it was also learnt that another six individuals were arrested for two murders in Guantánamo province; one murder occurred in March 2023, and the other one in May.
The frequency of events like these are keeping residents throughout the island in a permanent state of alarm.
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