MIAMI, United States. – Cuban authorities reported the arrival of 134,661 travelers this past January, an increase of 375.7% over the same period last year.
According to the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), of the total number of visitors welcomed in January 86,483 of them were international travelers, a figure that represents 387% increase when compared to arrivals in 2021.
During the first month of last year, Cuba welcomed only 35,842 travelers, of which 22,349 were international visitors.
According to ONEI, the markets that provided the most visitors to Cuba were Russia, Cuban émigrés, Canada, Germany, the United States, France, Poland, Colombia and Italy.
In spite of the significant increase in the number of travelers that arrived in Cuba in January 2022, the drop in Russian tourism is notable, according to a statement on Twitter by Cuban economist Pedro Monreal.
“The statistics published today in Cuba indicate a decrease in visitors of 14.6% for the month of January 2022 in comparison to the previous month. There was an increase of Russian visitors in the month of January, but there is already a decrease regarding Russian tourism that started in November 2021,” according to the expert.
Last year, Cuba welcomed only 573,944 travelers, some 869,181 less than in 2020 when the country welcomed almost 1.5 million visitors.
In 2021, only 52,804 Cuban émigrés visited Cuba, which was also a considerable drop from 2020, when 150,388 Cubans who reside abroad visited the island.
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