By Joao Lemos Esteves
Anti-semitism is growing really fast in Portugal and Spain; another consequence of the radical, extremist political forces’ project to take over every and single one of the institutions of those countries. We have disclosed the massive presence of iranian regime’s tentacles, including the terrorist IRGC (Qods Force), in Portugal – with open access (leverage?) over key portuguese decision-makers. Democracy and individual liberties are in danger due to this malicious foreign interference by regimes which have become pure machines of exporting terrorism worldwide. Image Morteza Damanpak Jami
A few weeks ago, the world marked the passing of the third year since the “butcher” Qassem Soleimani’s death –today, the Middle East is a much safer place also because Soleimani paid the fair price for all the crimes he had committed during his lifetime. The only dissenting voice on this matter is really only the iranian regime – which is, by the way, despised by its own people as much as it is by the international community.
Promoting Qassem Soleimani is promoting hate speech and inciting violence. Period. And the iranian Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal, proved it beyond any reasonable doubt by tweeting anti-semitic tropes against Israel – “the Zionist regime”, as they call this wonderful, democratic and free country, the only democracy in the Middle East – quoting Qassem Soleimany’s words on how to destroy Israel. They argue that Israel is doomed to fail – proceeding to incite to action against the Jewish State, which constitutes an undoubtful apology and appeal to terrorism. Thus, a very serious crime committed by the diplomatic representation of the barbaric iranian Ayatollah’s regime in Portugal, a country belonging to the European Union, a political bloc which craves to be the “human rights champion”.
The portuguese law, as a matter of fact, criminalizes the behavior adopted by the iranian Embassy and its head, Ambassador Morteza Dampack Jami. Article 240.º of the portuguese criminal code states the following:
“Article 240.º – Discrimination and incitement to hatred and violence
1 – Anyone who:
a) Founds or constitutes an organization or develops organized propaganda activities that incite discrimination, hatred or violence against a person or group of people because of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, religion, sex , sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or psychological disability, or that encourage it; or
b) …
2 – Who, publicly, by any means intended for dissemination, namely through apology, denial or gross trivialization of crimes of genocide, war or against peace and humanity:
a) Provoke acts of violence against a person or group of people because of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental disability;
b) Defame or insult a person or group of people because of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental disability;
c) Threatening a person or group of people because of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental disability; or
d) Inciting violence or hatred against a person or group of people because of their race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental disability;
shall be punished with imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years.”
There is no doubt that the iranian Embassy’s tweets and statements falls within the provision of the above mentioned criminal legislation: Iran threatened Israel, the Jewish People and all the inhabitants of the State of Israel, incited violence and hatred against this group of people for their ethnic and national origin. This is not a blurry situation where one can discuss the realm of the legal (binding) defintion of “anti-semitism” in confront with “anti-zionism”. No: what the iIranian Embassy in Lisbon tweeted to “pray” to terrorist Qassem Soleimani is anti-semitism, hate speech, pure and simple. It is like it was depicted from a textbook’s case list on hate speech against Israel and the Jewish People: the violent and hateful motive of the iranian Embassy in Lisbon is crystal clear. Just watch the final seconds of the video very attentively: Iran simulates the total annihilation of Israel by a lethal explosion – and the immediate replacement by a palestinian State.

Portuguese socialist PM Antonio Costa a true good friend of Iran. Will the portuguese authorities have the courage to enforce their own law against the criminal conduct of the Iran’s Embassy? Or will they let hate speech to triumph?

The portuguese government has put a lot of effort and energy to please the iranian regime persecuting its own citizens, maneuvering the State apparatus to execute the classic methods of “unconventional warfare/lawfare” – now we do hope that the portuguese authorities act accordingly in the face of such egragious (and criminal) conduct by the iranian Embassy.
Finally, bear in mind that Ambassador Morteza Damanpak Jami doubled down on the threats against US citizens, unleashed some violent rants against Israel and the British Royal Family. The ceremony – held parcially at the Iran’s Embassy and then in Lisbon, near Olaias, and in Almada, Setubal – was attended by IRGC’s members in Portugal, mostly from Qom, Mashhad (Iran), Karbala (Iraq), Syria and Lahore/Quetta (Pakistan). At least, two influential portuguese (one with multiple citizenship) were spotted on the Embassy’s event, crying and praying for terrorist Soleimani, the spiritual leader of the terrorist-designated Islamic Revolutionar Guard Corps (IRGC/Qods Force).